Veggy Mulch

Veggy Mulch Pellets are a Non Chemical weed control mulching method. Veggy Mulch Pellets are made from Wheat or Rye Straw and a native grass called Switchgrass.

When to Apply

After the plants have emerged out of the ground or have been transplanted, is the time to apply enough pellets to cover the soil and depending on available moisture (soil moisture, dew, rain or water)

Pellets will swell up and create a natural layer. It is important to start with a weed free soil bed. Once the pellet mulch has expanded from moisture it is important to make sure you have at least ¾” or more of mulch layer. Too little will not retain moisture and allow weed seeds to germinate from higher soil temperatures. It is safe to reapply pellets at any time.

Veggy Mulch Helps Retain Moisture

Maintaining a consistent level of moisture in you soil is a big part of growing healthy plants. A plant that has a constant level of adequate moisture is less likely to become stressed, which means that it will be better able to resist insects and diseases.

In tandem with keeping the soil moisture, mulch also keeps the soil cooler in hot weather, which will prolong the amount of time it takes for a plant to bolt or go dormant. Some plants bloom best in cooler conditions, and mulch will aid in keeping these bloomin g longer.

Agricultural Bio Mass mulch (Veggy mulch) will break down over time, adding nutrients and organic matter to your soil. The worms and microbes in the soil will break down mulches over time.

How to apply Mulch

There is a right way and a wrong way to apply mulch. The biggest mistake people make when adding mulch is that they don’t apply enough, or early enough.

In addition to applying the right amount of mulch, you also need to make sure that it is not pushed up against your plants. Pull the mulch back from tree trunks, shrubs and the crowns of your annuals, perennials and vegetables. Give your plants an inch or so of space. When the mulch is applied up against a plant, it can hold moisture and cause the plant to rot.

Agricultural Bio Mass mulches,because they break down and improve your soil, need to be replenished at the beginning of every growing year, but only once.

A layer of mulch can benefit every single area of your garden. Your plants, and your soil, will appreciate it.

NOTE: It is important to apply pellets to a weed free soil surface. The mulch layer inhibits seed germination.

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